Friday, October 11, 2013

Washington State Fair

A few weeks back, Tina and I decided to check out the Washington State Fair.  We heard good things about it, particularly about the scones (which didn't sound like fair food to me, but whatever), and the weather was supposed to hold up enough to allow for a rain-free time.  So we asked some people from our church if they would be interested, and we found enough people to come with.  Below is the day, chronicled in photos.

We got to help move the giant pumpkin that this guy was going to carve.  We wanted to stay and watch him carve it, but he said it generally takes him 5 hours to finish a pumpkin.  So we left.

The Zwitt boys (my pastor's sons) went on a tractor ride.  They were supposed to pose for a photo before they got to ride the tractors, but I don't think they really understood what was going on.  Or wanted to.

There were lots of animals, as you'd expect from a state fair.

I finally get to try a scone.  This is probably my favorite photo from the day.  Partly because I am about to eat this scone, and partly because Moses is hanging out with me.

A group photo at the end of a long, but fun, day.  :)